REMEL Survey
Your Voice. Your Future. Your Nightlife.
The REMEL (Race Equality in Music Events Licensing) survey, launched in partnership with the Musicians’ Union, UK Music, LIVE, and the Greater London Authority (GLA), aims to expose how unfair event cancellations and discriminatory licensing practices are disproportionately harming Black, Asian, and ethnically diverse artists, promoters, and venues—threatening culture, businesses, and communities.
This is your chance to be heard. Your experiences matter. Your voice can help fight for fairer treatment and real change in London’s night-time economy.
We need your stories especially if:
- You’ve struggled to get a licence, putting your venue at risk of closure.
- Your events are being cancelled without warning, costing you time, money, and opportunities.
- A lack of live performance spaces is holding back your career as an artist.
We can transform the industry, but we need YOUR help.
The survey takes approx. 15 minutes to complete.
In partnership with the Musicians’ Union, UK Music, LIVE and the Mayor of London