We are thrilled to announce a brand new partnership with Attitude is Everything!
A disability-led charity joining forces with a black-led organisation calling on the UK music industry to break down the barriers faced by Black disabled people.
Read the announcement below:
The theme of this year’s Black History Month has been Time for Change: Action not Words.
This concept aligns with an exciting new partnership we are proud to have formed with Black Lives in Music – the first time a black-led and disability-led organisation have joined forces to call on the music industry to break down the barriers Black disabled people face in the UK’s music industry.
Since the publication of their landmark report Being Black in the UK Music Industry in April 2021, Black Lives in Music have been spearheading initiatives to tackle racism in the industry. Their latest action was to announce the formation of the UK Music Industry Anti-Racism Code which aims to protect and represent Black and ethnically diverse musicians and workers.
16% of respondents of the survey that informed the Being Black in the Music Industry report identified as being of Black African, Black Caribbean, mixed African or Caribbean descent alongside being disabled people or people with longstanding health conditions that impact their daily lives.
These 149 individuals were composed of 99 creators and 50 industry professionals.
These voices began the conversation between Black Lives in Music and Attitude is Everything about a new partnership to amplify Black disabled experience in the music industry and push for change with industry partners.
The experience of these creators and professionals will be unveiled in a new report due to be published by the end of November.
That publication will include our join call to action for the industry, along with announcements of partnership work our two organisations plan to carry out into 2023 to support our aims.
Watch this space!
“One of the first quotes that Charisse Beaumont of Black Lives in Music shared publicly from ‘Being Black in the UK Music Industry” was “Black disabled musicians are literally invisible.” This has to change.
The partnership between us as two diverse-led organisations will be driven by lived experience and the desire to transform the UK music industry; a partnership that will be powerful and a partnership that amplifies the voices of our community. Together we’ll make public the experiences that Black disabled people have had within the music and live event industries, and work with these industries to eradicate discrimination and bias.
There are some shocking insights contained within the original report. I wish I could say that these revelations shock me, but sadly they don’t. However, these insights do make me determined, together with Charisse and Black Lives in Music, to dismantle all the barriers that hold back Black disabled creators and professionals.”
Suzanne Bull MBE, Founder of Attitude is Everything
“We are delighted to partner with Attitude is Everything on the publication of our upcoming report. We cannot continue to ignore the issues that Black disabled and neurodivergent music creators and industry professionals endure whilst pursuing their dream to be part of the music ecosystem. Barriers to career progression and opportunities, financial disparities, accessibility and racism, with these issues having a devastating impact on mental health. We need the industry to recognise and make much needed and oftentimes simple improvements for Black disabled and neurodivergent music creators and professionals in the music industry to thrive.”
Charisse Beaumont, Chief Executive, Black Lives in Music